Pages: 26
Location: ВПЦ "Київський університет"
Year: 2019
File: N109-2-2019_Sakharyk.pdf
Hits: 948
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Досліджено міграційну політику та визначено тенденції її реалізації в Україні на сучасному етапі. Визначено основні етапи формування міграційної політики. Встановлено, що ефективність міграційної політики визначається рівнем урахування чинників політичного, економічного, соціального, демографічного характеру, тенденцій міжнародної трудової міграції. За результатами дослідження визначено основні тенденції реалізації міграційної політики в Україні: відсутність системи збору та аналізу статистичної інформації; низький рівень захищеності прав працівників та їхнього економічного добробуту; відсутність двосторонніх договорів із рядом держав із великою кількістю українців-мігрантів; значні масштаби освітньої міграції; вплив військово-політичної ситуації на стан міграції.

Ключові слова: міграційна політика, трудова міграція, освітня міграція, працівники-мігранти, ринок праці, заробітна плата, інфляція.


I. Sakharuk, PhD (Law), Associate Professor, Junior Research Fellow,

S. Batychenko, PhD (Geography), Junior Research Fellow,

O. Derii, PhD (Law), Assistant, Junior Research Fellow,

A. Kryzhevskyi, PhD (History), Assistant, Junior Research Fellow,

A. Magomedova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Junior Research Fellow,

O. Pohorielova, PhD (Law), Assistant, Junior Research Fellow

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



This article is devoted to the interdisciplinary research of Migration Policy and determination of Main Trends of its realization in Ukraine at the current stage. The authors aim to analyse and characterize migration as the subject of interdisciplinary research, because the Governmental Migration Policy should be formed on the basis of international legal standards, taking into account the demographic and economic indicators, conditions of labor market, etc.

The Basic Steps of Migration Policy-making have been defined. The study finds that during the era of strengthening of integration relations between the countries and dynamic globalization processes, the external migration becomes an inevitable phenomenon to provide the exchange of experience, increasing level of professional qualifications, as well as strengthening of business relations between the countries through transfer of labor resources. At the same time, in Ukraine the phenomenon of the international labor migration has become so widespread that the status of this issue determined it as a priority problem to be solved in the near future; first of all this situation has been caused by the refusal of people traveling abroad to come back to their native country, being the “catalyst" for a number of another problems, which are related, in particular, to the social and economic and innovative development of the country. Migration is one of the factors of demographic development in Ukraine, it involves the redistribution of the population among the regions, while, on the other hand, this re-distribution influences the demographic disbalance within the

regions of the country.

The authors have also identified that the efficiency of migration policy is determined by degree of consideration of the factors of political, economic, social and demographic origin, as well as by the trends of international labor migration. Under the circumstance of the demographic crisis, many countries have been interested in Ukrainian labor migrants, thus, in the article have been find, that only the effective governmental policy will allow to suspend the process of the outflow of domestic labor force, along with the simultaneous provision of adequate protection for those citizens who would like to get employed abroad and conditions for their coming back to Ukraine.

On the basis of the study results, the main trends of implementation of Migration Policy in Ukraine have been identified: lack of system of collecting and analyzing the statistical information; low level of protection of rights and economic well-being of the employees; absence of any bilateral agreements with those countries where a large number of Ukrainian migrants have been located; significant volume of educational migration; impact of the military and political situation upon the situation with migration. The authors draw attention to the fact that the mentioned trends into consideration, the governmental policy in the field of migration should become comprehensive and devoted to determine the methods of reducing the level of labor migration of the employees, outflow of the trained personnel, as well as promotion of coming back of the migrant workers back to Ukraine.

Keywords: migration policy, labor migration, educational migration, migrant workers, job market, salary, inflation.

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