Requirements for Manuscript Submission

The manuscript of an article submitted for publication must consistently include the following parts:

1. Information in the language of the article:


- surname, first name, patronymic of the author (s) (if necessary) (no more than three persons);

- position, place of work / study, academic degree, academic title (if any), city, country;


- article title;

- abstract and keywords.

The abstract should consist of 200 words minimum and 350 words maximum.

The abstract structure should be the following: the purpose, methods, results and conclusions.

The 5-10 keywords or phrases, neither of which duplicates the article title, should be added to the abstract.

2.Text of the article:

- Introduction;

- The main results;

- Conclusions;

- References (in the language of the article)

- References (in Ukrainian, if the article language is English, and in English, if the article language is Ukrainian). 

In Introduction, the relevance of the issue, the problem, formulation of the purpose of the article, object of study, research methodology should be described.

The main results should include the basic material of the research with justification of the obtained scientific results. The article should be divided into parts with separate headings, titled up to 6 words.

The article should contain the findings of the study, which presents detailed conclusions on the results of the study and the prospects for further research in this direction.


The bibliographic description of the references in Ukrainian shall be made according to the DSTU 8302: 2015 developed in 2015 by the National Standard of Ukraine “Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General Terms and Conditions".

If the list of references is incorrect, the article may be rejected by the editorial team.

References in English are made according to OSKOLA style (The Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities)

The transliteration of Ukrainian names is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On streamlining the transliteration of the Ukrainian Latin alphabet” of January 27, 2010, No 55.

3. Information in English, if the article language is Ukrainian, or in Ukrainian if the article language is English:

- the full name of the author (s);

- scientific degree, academic title;

- position and place of work;

- article title;

- an expanded abstract of at least 1800 characters;

-      Keywords.

The following expanded abstract structure is required: purpose, methods, results, conclusions.

Technical requirements for the article:

1. Text of the article should be saved in Word format (not earlier than version 97) without using style markup. The name of the file must match the author’s name: eg, Ivanenko.docx or Ivanenko.doc.

2. Article’s size - from 25 000 characters till 40 000 characters (with spaces) including illustrations, tables, graphs, references used;

- upper and lower margins, left and right - 2.0 cm;

- font - Arial, size 9 pt, interval - single;

- for abstract and keywords - Arial font, size 8 pt, italics, bold.

- paragraph indentation - 0.5 cm (paragraph indentation is not allowed with the Tab key and space characters);

- the text is aligned in width;

- to set a continuous interval between the initials and the surname; this requirement also applies to the names given in the text of the article;

- before / after the title of the article and each section - one indent.

3. References to the sources should be made in square brackets, indicating the page numbers, respectively, of the source. For example: [3, p. 234] or [2, p. 35; 8, p. 234].

4. Use the following characters in the text: quotation marks "...", hyphen (-), hyphen (-), apostrophe (').

5. Do not use automatic numbered lists when designing the list of used sources and references.

Articles that do not meet these requirements are not accepted for consideration and are not sent to reviewers.

According to the "Regulations on the procedure for providing by Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University of paid services for the publication and sale of educational literature, methodological, scientific-methodical, scientific, scientific-technical, periodicals, other print media at the Kyiv City University" payment for publication of the article (40000 characters with spaces) is 1047 UAH. The cost of the article will be calculated by the publisher, depending on the volume of the article. Payment is made after the articles have been accepted for publication by the editorial team in accordance with the invoice issued by the Kyiv University Center to each author.

Articles of graduate students and academics of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv or according to the partnership agreement between universities are published free of charge.

Please, do not hesitate to contact the editorial team for any queries (see Contacts )

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