Welcome note by the Chairman of the Editorial Board of the publication


The Faculty of Law at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv keeps and develops the best legal traditions of St.Volodymyr University, which was one of the oldest higher educational institutions in Ukraine.

The Faculty is famous for its well-known jurists, in particular, I.M. Danylovych (the first dean of the faculty of law at St. Volodymyr University), Ye.V. Spektorskyi (the last rector of St. Volodymyr University) and many other respectable researchers who put their efforts in the creation of the university juridical science.

The priceless heritage has also been left behind by the outstanding representatives of police science, such as M.H. Bunhe, A.Y. Antonovych, M.M. Tsytovych, I.T. Tarasov and many others.

In order to honour the substantial but, unfortunately, not enough discovered heritage of juridical science, striking for its raise, since 1958 the Faculty of Law at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv has been publishing “The Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Legal Studies”.

The philosophy of the journal is to open up the possibilities for free perception, scientific comprehension and practical implementation of the best international, European and national legal tendencies. The Bulletin also aims at encouraging critical discussions of the issues related to substantive and procedural law application as well as fair and equitable justice implementation.

We strongly believe that nowadays Ukraine requires the implementation of the advanced approaches to the development of the information society and e-governance, as well as the legislative consolidation of complete and open social dialogue between people and authorities. It has historically formed in such a way that juridical science has always been ahead of the latest social processes. The success of the solid national legislation creation and the European development of the Ukrainian state depend on how precisely and fully the scientific community presents the latest ideas of civil society and a democratic state to the Ukrainian people.

We are happy to invite researchers, representatives of judicial and law enforcement bodies, state and local authorities to publish their scientific works on the pages of our Journal.

We hope that “The Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Legal Studies” journal will serve its purposes to report on the latest achievements in the sphere of law and will become a driving force in the process of its enrichment with new ideas and theories, the development of the national legislation and the formation of the united judicial practice.



Sincerely yours

Head of the Editorial Council

Doctor of Law, Professor

Dean of the Faculty of Law, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,

Ivan S. Hrytsenko


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